So Joss Whedon posted
his top 25 favorite TV characters, and since I'm attempting to become a prettier, less feminine version of him and I love making lists, I'm gonna copy him and make my own top 10 list because 25 is too hard.
My Ten Favorite TV Characters
Star Trek Deep Space Nine. He was a vorta.

You might think I'm coming out of left field on this one, but hear me out. Weyoun had some of the best facial expressions, and he did it all covered in latex. He rarely let anything ruffle his feathers. He was always charming and poised and completely devoted to the Dominion. Whenever they wanted to kill him they could just clone him first, so he could die a lot and still show up on the show. But I liked the first Weyoun best, the one who was seducing the Cardassians. He was funny.
Vic Mackey,
The Shield.

Talk about your moral ambiguity. No character in television history has made me more confused about my values. He'll give a prostitute money to get food for her son, then beat the shit out of a suspect and steal drugs from the Armenian mob. He loves his wife and kids, but has no objection to crazy sex with a confidential informant. Perticularly during the first season, I often found myself spending hours puzzling over how I feel about Vic. I have no idea what's going to happen to him when it's all over, but I want to find out.

Angel. She's blue and she's unfamiliar with our puny human ways. If they had to kill Fred, I'm glad they replaced her with the coolest morally vacuous chick they could find. She's curious about everything and at the same time thinks it's all beneath her. And she considers Spike her toy and wants to keep him as a pet. In the finale she says "I shall make trophies of their spines." And she does. It's just a shame we didn't get more time to know the crazy broad.
The Chief,
Battlestar Galactica. I know most people would choose the captain or the president or Baltar, but I love Chief Tyrol the most.

He loved Sharon so completely he was willing to risk his career to be with her, and she turned out to betray him. But that didn't matter because the Chief is such a good man that he forgave her and even blamed himself for not being able to protect her from Callie, with whom he has his own issues. Plus, he built that cool spy plane.

Scrubs. This is my only shout out to comedy.
JD is adorably goofy. I love his outlook on life - so hopeful and appreciative of what he has, yet when things get serious he always knows exactly how to hit it home. I would gladly hang out with JD any time, I just wouldn't date him.
Jayne Cobb,
Firefly. Dumb, muscular, sex-crazed, hilarious. I adore Jayne.

Hell, he's the hero of Canton, how can you not adore him? I always wanted to know why a guy like that would follow Mal around with such blind devotion. There was so much backstory and so much potential in his character. I'm sorry the world will never get to see it. And if you haven't seen
Firefly by now, you're missing. Go rent it. Or better yet, just buy it because you'll want to watch it over and over again. And Jayne will make you laugh every time.
Logan Echolls,
Veronica Mars.

I agree with Joss on this one. Logan is complicated as hell. He managed to start the show as the stereotypical asshat rich kid until we learned about his life, and then we all fell in love with him collectively. I cringe every time he tries to sabatoge himself. It's impossible not to respect him because Logan is who he is and refuses to apologize or fake anything. If I was ever in a jam in Neptune I would call Logan first, then tell him to call Veronica's dad.
Original Cindy,
Dark Angel. She manages to be the gay character and the black character and it doesn't seem forced at all because Valerie Rae Miller owns it. Her vocabulary alone is worth its own dictionary. I wish I could talk like that and get away with it. Hell, I wish I could call myself Original Cindy. Plus, she put herself on the line for transgenics several times when she could easily have kept her head down and stayed out of trouble. She's one awesome chick.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and
Angel. He's run through every emotional state possible on that show.

He's been evil, pathetic, sweet, angry. He's saved the world a couple of times, but his best scenes were during his struggles as a monster trying to be a man. There is a scene in the season seven episode "Beneath You" when he lays his vampire body over a sizzling cross in the church, demanding to know what God wants of him. He's comic relief so often that when he plays it tragic, it's to perfection. Plus, his sex scenes are steamy. That man oozes sexuality.
)Aeryn Sun,

She's beautiful, she's badass, and she looks good in leather. One of my favorite lines in all of television is from a season one episode when Aeryn busts open a prison cell and rescues John Chrichton. Stark, John's fellow prisoner, asks who she is. "That," John Chrichton replies with a glowing smile, "is the radiant Aeryn Sun". That about summed her up for the rest of the series. She was half of the team that sold the romance around which the show rotated, one of the best on-screen romances ever. Plus, she wore a battle pony. She's so cool.
Who's in your top ten?