Saturday, April 15, 2006

All work and no pay for an uncertain future

I never have enough scripts ready. I focused on television for so long and got a few TV scripts under my belt at the expense of my features, but now all but one of those scripts is useless because of changes in the plot of the show. I still have a HOUSE script, and hopefully that will stay useful for a while. But I need another script to back that one up. I'm thinking about taking on comedy. Who can write MY NAME IS EARL better than a stubborn Southern girl? After all, Jaime Pressley's from a town about an hour away from my hometown.

At the moment I'm working on a feature spec, very dialogue heavy and ripe for Sundance. Not sure that's gonna get me any sales, but it should make a dynamite sample. It's flowing out of my fingers at a rapid pace, so I'm optimistic about the whole thing. Then I'll have a couple of workable features, although my action script needs some work. I'll get to that when my next TV spec is done.

Okay, so I have some work to do.

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