Saturday, July 08, 2006

Caller ID is good.

Last night I got my first ever jealous girlfriend call. I got a blocked call, but I answered it because I have a friend who always blocks his phone even though it's really annoying to everyone else. Instead of my friend, some girl said "Hey!" all cheerful like. She announced herself as Rebecca. I told Rebecca she had the wrong number and she assured me she didn't because my number was in her boyfriend's phone. I told her I still had no idea who she was and she hung up.

What the hell did she accomplish with that? I have no idea who her boyfriend is so I can't help explain why he has my number, which could be for a myriad of reasons. She didn't learn anything about me. She didn't call with questions or anything, just to make an accusation I guess. But the person she should be pissed at is her boyfriend. Then again, I don't even know if her boyfriend did anything wrong since I still don't know who he is. And if you have to go through your boyfriend's phone to see what he's up to, your relationship has bigger problems than some girl's number.

I love how little interactions keep coming up like that. In our daily interaction we get these little glimpses of people, and if we're paying attention they're perfect quirks to add to a character. I'm not very good at making stuff up out of nothing but I'm great at taking what I see and mixing it together. So what Rebecca doesn't know is that one of these days she's going to find herself in a script. That's what she gets for calling me and not explaining herself.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    "So what Rebecca doesn't know is that one of these days she's going to find herself in a script. That's what she gets for calling me and not explaining herself."


    I love it!


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