My brain is too full. I need more time in my day.
I took one of those quizzes that tells you what superhero you're most like. I'm The Flash. Always in a damn hurry.
Several of you have offered to help me with my filming of my short film, Game Night, and I'm overwhelmed. Thank you! If I can't find some way to include you I will for the next one. That's assuming I make it through this one. I'll at least invite you all to the world premiere of my fifteen minute directorial debut. There will be black bean spirals and sangria.

The next short, tentatively titled Spaghetti Meat, will be a bit bigger, a bit longer and more complicated. It's going to involve some special effects in the form of fake vomit. And it may not be a comedy. I'm kind of wandering through the first draft in an aimless fashion, but I like where I'm headed.
I'm supposed to be rewriting the spec pilot, but there's just so much to do I don't know where to begin. So I distract myself by working on other things. At some point I'm going to have to focus and get back to that big old gorilla.
I was going to put my feature to the side for a while, but I may have an opportunity to get a script in the hands of an "up-and-coming" producer soon, and all my current features are unimpressive because I've spent a lot of time on my TV stuff. So feature back in play.
I'm sort of just writing whatever I feel inspired to write at any given moment. One hour I work on my short, then I flip over to the other file and do a page of the feature. Then I stare at the spec pilot and groan. Then I go back to downloading some songs and making a CD. And buried in there I make some phone calls and talk to friends about how I can find cast and crew for Game Night.
And somehow I end up writing like five pages a day that way. Whatever works, I suppose. My process used to be so organized as I worked on one project at a time. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing anymore, but I'm pumping out some decent pages, so who am I to screw with that?
Oh God. I still have to move, too. And kickbox. I can't forget to kickbox. And have a social life.
And the yearbook is due to the plant tomorrow.
My brain may have just exploded.
I haven't actually made a lesson plan in like two weeks. That's one of the advantages of teaching English. Give the kids a book and make them read it. There's most of your lesson planning right there. If you can make them read silently and do projects, it leaves you lots of time to noodle around with your stories. Of course, you still have to grade all those papers, but as soon as I figure out how to get that time thingee Hermione has in The Prisoner of Azkaban, I'll be able to sort all this out.
When I was a little kid I drove my parents and teachers crazy whenever they tried to get me to take a nap. It didn't matter where I was or how tired I was supposed to be, I would pitch a fit and throw things and cry rather than go to sleep. It seemed like such a waste of time. I could have been getting valuable playing in the woods done while I was wasting sunlight by closing my eyes. I just don't have time for that kind of crap.
Thank God I go on vacation in March.
Emily -
ReplyDeleteIf you need to cast folks, you can post a notice (free!) at Breakdown Express. Here's the link:
Be prepared, though: you'll post your breakdown ... and an hour later 500 people will have applied to be in your short film. :-)