Monday, January 22, 2007

She has a plan...

I was gonna do this long post about the fact that last night I went to the house of one of the writers on Battlestar Galactica and hung out with very cool special effects people and music person and various other industry types while eating tasty chili and drinking Corona, but Maggie pretty much summed it up. She's awesome. Read her blog. She posts like forty times a day in between studying ancient relics and knitting Jayne Cobb hats.

Suffice it to say it was awesome and with any luck I'll do it again. You can be jealous. Go ahead.

Did you know you can see actual stars in Malibu? I forgot about stars. They're still up there, apparently. And Tricia Helfer is in Playboy this month. Good for Six. It's about time somebody recognized her as a sex symbol.

But I'm not going to write about last night. I'm just going to savor it.

Instead I'm going to tease tomorrow's post.

I've been writing TV eps so long now I don't feel satisfied with any of my features anymore, so I decided to start on this idea that's been stirring around in my brain for a few months. I'm not quite finished with the character bios or the index cards, but I have the general plot laid out and the first five pages are solidly implanted in my brain. It's a romantic drama, like a Zach Braff movie. In fact, Zach Braff might be perfect for it. He IS my friend on Myspace.

After I did a little work on my spec pilot today I got inspired to start the new feature, currently titled "Untitled". That's so catchy, don't you think? I wrote the first three pages in a fit of furious typery, so much so that one of my students was amazed at the speed with which I can work three fingers on a keyboard.

Normally when I'm satisfied with a change I just save over it, but this time I'm curious as to how all my changes will mold the script, so what I'd like to do is post a scene now and then and watch what happens when I change something. From vomit draft to finished product, I can share it as it grows.

So tomorrow I'll post the first few scenes of my new spec. In case anybody wants to see it.


  1. That's because I'm a cross between Madame Defarge and Daniel Jackson. Oh, that's terrifying.

    Go go go! Happy writing, Emily! And thanks for going with me to the scary Hollywood party!

  2. Yep, I'm interested in seeing it, Em.


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