Neal McDonough lives in my neighborhood.
A little over a year ago one morning I was discussing with Ex Boyfriend how awesome Neal McDonough is. I don't remember how he came up - I was probably explaining something about
Band of Brothers. Anyway, I love the guy. He always carries a lot of poised and intelligence mixed with a tough guy exterior, which is my favorite kind of person in the whole world. Even when he's in things that suck, which is kind of a lot, he does not suck.
So anyway, a little over a year ago I had a conversation with Ex Boyfriend about the level of Neal McDonough's awesomeness. Then, not an hour later as we walked through the parking lot that is the Larchmont farmer's market, WHO THE FUCK DO WE SEE?
That's right. Neal Fucking McDonough. He was blocking traffic with a baby carriage so he could talk to a bunch of screenwriters who he kept saying very loudly were all screenwriters.
I stood there, supposedly admiring the hummus on the table before me, squealing a bit with joy. Neal McDonough's friend caught me and laughed. I eventually pushed by the baby carriage and went on my merry way, only to walk right past
Kevin Weisman like thirty seconds later. I had not been talking about him that morning, but I do own
Alias season 2 on DVD so that was cool.
Okay anyway, so just last night Beefcake and I watched the film
Traitor, which also stars Neal McDonough. I went on my usual rant about how awesome he is, complete with story about how I saw him a year ago at the farmer's market pushing a baby carriage with a male friend, at which point of course Beefcake said he is gay. because Beefcake thinks everybody's gay. But he told me I should have said something at the farmer's market that day. It's not like he's an A list guy. He's a successful actor, but most people probably don't know him by name so maybe he'd like to be recognized.
So today I rode my bike to Pavillions and WHO THE FUCK DO I SEE WALKING DOWN THE FROZEN PIZZA AISLE?
OMG. Neal McDonough.
I picked up the phone to dial the Beefcake but my phone was dead. I was on my own.
I put stuff in my basket, plotting out what I'd say if I ended up behind him in line.
Then I got my chance. I grabbed my last item and stepped up to the checkout lines and there he was, right at the end of one with a shitload of groceries.
So I stepped up behind him with my basket and stood for a minute while he unloaded his goods.
I leaned forward.
"Do you hate it when people recognize you?" I said.
"Kind of," he replied.
"Oh," I said. "Then I don't recognize you at all. But if I did recognize you, I'd probably think you were awesome."
He smiled.
"Thank you. If you recognized me, I'd be flattered."
We stood for a minute, watching the lady in front of us fiddle with her coupons.
"So are you an actress?" he asked.
"Writer," I said.
"Have anything produced?"
"Not yet. Still trying to break in, I'm afraid. But I'm getting there."
"What are you working on?" he asked.
"Zombie script. But not a horror. A big budget action pic about a family of survivors in a zombie filled world."
"That sounds like something I'd like to read. Can I read it?"
"Of course! Hell, you'd be absolutely perfect for the lead."
He wrote something on the back of a business card and handed it to me.
"Here. Send it to my agent. His email's on the back."
Actually I just got in the line next to him, occasionally spotting his unkempt blond hair over the rack of gum between us. He had a shitload of groceries and I was not going to wait in line for that.