The best thing that happened to me in 2010 was I got a dog.
The worst thing that happened to me in 2010 was my house got broken into.
I got a rep, then I learned that getting a rep is not quite the answer I thought it would be. I also learned that I'm really good in meetings and would enjoy taking more of them.
My favorite movie of 2010 was The Good, The Bad, The Weird even though it technically came out in 2008.
The best movie I saw in theaters was 127 Hours. The most disappointing movie I saw in theaters was
The move that gave me the most pleasant surprise was The Crazies.
I finished a script I started in 2009, wrote a free treatment for a project that went nowhere, wrote a spec script, and wrote two drafts of another script.
I joined a writers group.
I tried to watch GI Joe and Legion. I finished neither. Actually that's not true. I think I fell asleep watching GI Joe and didn't care enough to try to watch it again. I also fell asleep watching Inglorious Basterds, The Informant!, and The Men Who Stare at Goats.
Futurama came back. Yay!
I discovered that you can buy new designer clothes on Ebay for way less than at the store. I also discovered that I like designer clothes.
I laughed, I cried, I danced around my kitchen. I made sarcastic comments. I went to a couple of parties. I had a party.
My favorite screenplay I read all year was Gravity. I also loved The Kitchen Sink and My Mother's Curse.
Syfy network had the most consistently awesome shows this year, with BBC America coming in a close second, only because I think Top Gear blows.
I fell more in love with Joel McHale.
I killed two avocado trees.
I finished Goldeneye on the Wii on the Operative level with automatic targeting.
And that's some stuff I did this year.
Next year I'm going to finish Goldeneye on Agent level with intermediate level targeting. I like to keep my goals attainable.