Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sharing is Caring

I'm finally showing the Kenneth Branagh Hamlet in my senior English class. As Kate Winslet lay on the floor going bat shit crazy, one of my students blurted out, "I love Hamlet." My work here is done. Now I can get back to writing about writing.

With that in mind, this partner thing is working out. Writing Partner and I have written half the spec pilot we're working on in a week. I'm a pretty fast writer, but I've never matched that pace before on my own.

I write my 2-4 pages for the day and email them to Partner. He opens them, reads them and calls me to discuss. Then he gets to work on his 2-4 pages, emails them to me, then I read and call, then start over again. We do this every day. It turns out that if you put everything in RTF you don't have to change as much to convert it between Word and MovieMagic, so we're doing that until I can mail him my copy of MM.

This way is working for us for the moment and it's kind of interesting leaving off a script when you're not sure where to go and letting the next person figure it out. Partner called it a "choose your own adventure" style of screenwriting.

But I am curious about other ways to work the partner situation because there are so many different ways it could be done. If you've ever written with a partner, how do you work the process? Are you friends too? What's your method?

1 comment:

  1. Alex Epstein just posted about you! You rock! And did I really just see that Christopher asked for a read?



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