The Bratz have taken over our school. Some of our kids have been asked to be extras, so that's pretty exciting. The "Movie People" as we have all taken to calling the crew, have actually been quite pleasant and have disrupted our fine educational institution as little as possible. They let us take pictures for the yearbook, and all I had to do was ask. There was this one security guard who had been assigned to protect this one sculpture against all gawkers and photo takers and guarded it as if it were his birthright, but once I pointed out that "Black Shirt and Khakis Guy" didn't care if my staff took pictures he backed off. The power of scholastic press is alive and well. The kids got thrown out of the gym later for muscling their way onto a closed set. Good for them. One of the Movie People actually said "Hola" with great gusto when she saw them, like she expected them to be little Mexican border crossers and she was breaking the great language barrier. The kids thought that was funny. They said "Hi" back.
Here's an innocuous picture that they took. Because if there's one thing my readers want, it's lots of information about the Bratz.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to item number 342 on my list of things to do before I sleep: write a grant proposal for the establishment of a newspaper program. I got it this morning and it's due tomorrow.
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