I want to pass on a couple of new blogs by two very entertaining writers.
Pogue is old hat at this screenwriting thing and a regular over at Wordplay. He name drops as he waxes on his philosophy of writing, and often shares his reading and viewing habits. I give you, Pogue's Pages.
And Joshua Grove-Patterson uses his gobs of personality to entertain with his new blog But the Third One was Great. He focuses solely on horror film sequels. I don't really like horror movies, much less sequels of horror movies largely because of the gore factor, so I have thus far enjoyed his posts immensely because I get to learn all the fun stuff without having to watch anybody gauge out an eyeball and eat it or something. Josh is funny. If only I'd thought of a gimmick that good.
I'm also enjoying Carson Reeves' ScriptShadow, where he reads scripts and reviews them in an informative and educational way. Almost every time I read his blog I run off and search for a script he mentions liking. He's honest and clear and fun to read.
I've put all three blogs on the sidebar. I read several other blogs too, but I only link to blogs that post regularly and focus largely on writing. So if you write about your kid or politics as much as about writing, that's why I haven't linked to you. And if you haven't posted in a month you are automatically deleted because the first thing I do each day is go down my links, and if I keep seeing the same entry every day I get irritated. I say this because I've deleted a few blogs and I don't want those writers to think it was personal. I might still check out your blog, but the ones I link to are the ones I read every day.
At any rate, check out the new folks. They're a great new way to procrastinate while still feeling like you're working.
Thanks for the links. Unless I'm crazy, the link within the blog for "But The Third One Was Great" leads you to Pogue's Pages.
ReplyDeleteD'oh! So it did.
ReplyDeleteI try to write about writing every day...unless I have PMS. Then it's just bitchiness.
ReplyDeleteBut maybe literary bitchiness?