ME: Okay, Emily. Time to write some pages.
EMILY: Okay. Let's just put on these headphones so I don't hear the special ed math teacher's lesson and can listen to inspirational tunes like "Toxic" and "Wanted Dead or Alive" as I make up some story goodness.
ME: Okay. Also try to put some ABBA in there. I'm in the mood to listen to "Rock Me."
EMILY: That's a good one. Rock me, show me that trick now roll me, show me that kick now you can do magic, baby! And I can't-
ME: Emily.
EMILY: -get enough of it! Rock me!
EMILY: What?
EMILY: Oh, right. Okay just let me get some water. Oooh look! John Rogers posted something new today! Let's check that out!
ME: Later.
EMILY: Why are you such a bitch?
EMILY: Fine.
ME: Fine.
EMILY: These pages suck. I should delete them and start over.
ME: No.
EMILY: Why not?
ME: It's your first draft. It's going to suck and you can't stop that.
EMILY: But there's still like 15 pages where nobody kicks anybody's ass or blows anything up!
ME: That's okay. When you're done you can go back and blow up that church if it will help.
EMILY: Oooh I should do that now!
EMILY: Why not? That sounds like way more fun than all this stupid dialogue.
ME: You know you can't just have two hours of explosions.
EMILY: Oh my god that sounds awesome. Screw this. I'm gonna start a screenplay about an explosion that spreads through town. Let's see.... Fade in. Exterior, small town in America, night. Shit explodes.
ME: Stop it.
EMILY: You never want me to have any fun.
ME: I want you to sell a screenplay and make a ton of money so you can buy a house.
EMILY: You make that sound so boring.
ME: I'm not boring.
EMILY: Yes you are.
ME: No I'm n- Hey stop stalling. Write your dialogue.
EMILY: Fine.
ME: Fine.
heh... you perfectly captured my angst as a screenwriter/playwright/novelist/whatever.
ReplyDeleteHey, Emily, how goes Game Night? Haven't heard about it in a bit ...
ReplyDeleteIt goes.... It always goes....
ReplyDeleteSupposedly it's on the verge.