Tuesday, December 27, 2011


For someone who loves multitasking and planning as much as I do, 2012 is going to be the best year ever. I've got screenplays going on, I've got a job to do, and now I've got a wedding to plan.

Although I confess the wedding was already planned once I decided this was my groom. I love watching wedding shows, and I was engaged once before so I already planned on wedding, and I enjoy planning things and making lists ever so much. It was really a given that I'd have a file on my computer with my wedding plans.

I've already called the caterer and the dress salon. I'm making up a guest list today, but I'm leaving room for all the celebrities I'm going to meet this year.

I'm also working on an outline for a new project, and it was flowing along nicely until I got to the final sequence. I can't figure out the magical clue that gets my protag to find where the bad guy is. I hope that as I use up those Christmas gift cards over the next two days, brainless shopping will unlock the answer, so I can go into the new year with a well-laid plan for an awesome script I can bang out.

And somewhere in there, I have to grade papers. I hate grading papers, but it must be done. Fortunately I don't have to do much lesson planning because one class is going to read Romeo and Juliet, and the other The Great Gatsby. One of the good things about teaching literature is that a lot of your class time is spent just reading. So that will help me spend more time planning weddings and screenplays and shit.

Okay, 2012. Let's do this.


  1. Where is Bad Guy hiding?

    It's a...

    Poetic place...ironic place...The Last Place Anyone Other Than Our Super Smart Hero would ever think to look and that's why he/she is Super Smart Hero.

    How do they know?

    Because this place comes from or is tied directly the personality of Bad Guy. And of course this was subtly planted earlier, probably through an unintentional action or line of dialog or whatever by Bad Guy that hero caught. Possibly related to the achilles heel of antagonist.

    Maybe that's vague or obvious enough to help. I try...

    Good luck.

  2. Emily:

    Congratulations on the greenlight for

    Multitasking. 21st century word for juggling...you seem quite good at it!

    I, on the other hand...if I were a circus clown - I'd be throwing 1 ball in the air...and maybe I'd manage to...catch it!!!

  3. The books Getting Things Done and First Things First changed my life when it comes to planning and organizing. I stopped keeping modo piles of papers on my desk, which brings me sanity. Have you ever read them?

  4. Thanks, guys!

    Kim, that sounds like something I'd like. I'll check it out.


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