Okay so I was all excited because I was supposed to go to the Creative Screenwriting screening of The Forbidden Kingdom followed by the usual Q&A. You know, the movie with Jackie Chan and Jet Li.
I don't care if the movie is any good. I want to see Jet Li quietly beat the shit out of Jackie Chan while the latter cracks jokes and makes silly faces. And if that doesn't happen I still don't care because JACKIE CHAN AND JET LI ARE IN THE SAME MOVIE TOGETHER.
I didn't have time to make potatoes and bratwurst so I snarfed down a microwave pizza. I didn't have time to blow dry my hair so I ran out with wet hair and struggled through traffic and drove myself crazy trying to find parking in an area where nobody is allowed to actually park and sauntered up to the theater and got in line. I was two minutes late for the start of seating.
And they had filled the theater already. And I turned around and came home.
So there will be no review today of that movie. And I am sad.
I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but they fumbled it big time. Maybe I just expected too much being a martial arts/action junkie (ironic, I know).
ReplyDeleteI did appreciate it on a purely visceral level. I mean come on it's Jackie Chan and Jet Li.
Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that Yuen Wo-Ping was sort of auto-pilot on this one.
Crap. Is this movie going to be the focus of the next CS podcast? That's one to skip, and I never skip them. Both Jet Li and Jackie Chan passed their "sell by" dates about a decade ago.
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare insult Jet Li in my presence. Don't. You. Dare.
ReplyDeleteLooks awful and I really, really want to see it.
ReplyDeleteI love Jet Li
Duly noted. I'll refocus my attacks on just Jackie Chan.
ReplyDeleteMost action stars today can't even hold candle to what Jackie Chan can still do, yeah he's a bit past his prime but the man can still perform.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jet Lit... hot damn he is still the man.
No. None of that is true.