Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Time for the Expo

I got my official notice last night that I'll be volunteering Saturday. I'll probably be in the big room with the keynote speakers, so come look for me. If you see a volunteer who looks like me and has my name, that's probably me, so say hi. I might be doing cartwheels. I'll definitely be yelling at people.


  1. Me too! Saturday! Okay, this is weird. (I won't be yelling at anyone though. Just laughing at everything inappropriately.)


    Worth going, I think. I got a lot out of it last year.

  3. I saw your comment on Bill's Blog DISContent. I really like the slang words post you put up. I'd like to see that as a regular item. Writing in a vacuum I don't have my ear to the ground as much as I should. It will help us scribes stay up on what the kids are saying these days.

    I was trying to get to the expo this year but things didn't work out. Maybe you can post video of you yelling at people so we can feel like we were there.

  4. Thanks, Craig. I was beginning to feel like that was a pointless exercise.

    And Maggie, we'll have to talk at the Expo. We love the same things. I want to hear your stories.


Please leave a name, even if it's a fake name. And try not to be an asshole.

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