It's my turn to weigh in on the Oscar picks.
I'm so glad In Bruges was nominated for best screenplay. I will be hoping so hard it wins. I realize it's a long shot, but it makes me happy to know that somebody on that committee recognized the film's genius.
Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire absolutely deserve to be there. I haven't seen Milk yet or The Reader or Frost/Nixon, but I can't imagine they're all better than The Wrestler or The Dark Knight. Honestly The Wrestler got the shaft in these nominations. Maybe Mickey Rourke can make up for it with a win for Best Actor. Imagine that - the studio didn't want him for this and almost ran with Nicholas Cage, and now this is the movie that may have made Rourke's career.
And as for The Dark Knight - It was a great film. I'm not sure it was the best picture of the year, but it was a great film. I think In Bruges was better. I think The Wrestler and Benjamin Button and Slumdog were better. But it was a good film and the country obviously loved it.
Where is Bruce Springstein? Only three nominations for best song - two from the same film - and they couldn't find room for The Boss? Maybe it's because Beyonce can't sing it at the ceremony.
I wish it was easier to get ahold of the nominated short films. I would very much like to watch them.
The Duchess will win for Best Costume. How do I know? Best Costume ALWAYS goes to a period piece with one exception in recent years: Priscilla Queen of the Desert. But they're all period pieces, you say? Yes, but The Duchess is the MOST periody of the pieces. There were corsets. Corsets = Oscar.
I wish Heath Ledger and Robert Downey Jr weren't in the same category. I would be tickled fucking pink if Tropic Thunder won him an Academy Award for playing a guy who's trying to win an Academy Award. Hell, Heath Ledger won't know if he doesn't win. Give that shit to Downey. He was awesome.
I saw MILK, The Wrestler, Slumdog, Benjamin Button, and The Dark Knight, along with CHE. They're all very good, but I think CHE came out too late to be eligible for the 2008 Oscar season, so maybe next year? CHE seriously deserves recognition, the movie blew my mind away.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen The Reader, but I read the screenplay and meh, it wasn't that great. I saw Revolutionary Road... meh.
MILK is WAY better than the Dark Knight, though. Harvey Milk was an inspiring man who actually existed and he died for the cause, but Batman is just... a comic book superhero. Enough said.
That said, I am glad TDK didn't get nominated for Best Pic or Best director. It just has no soul like Slumdog or Benjamin Button.
I am shocked that The Wrestler didn't get many Oscar nods, though...
I think Heath Ledger wins because he's the emotional favorite. And, quite frankly, he deserves it for rocking the crap out of arguably the most difficult character to play in the history of entertainment.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Brad Pitt got nominated for Benjamin Button. I don't think he'll win, but he deserves the nom. Ditto with Taraji P. Henson.
I haven't seen The Wrestler, but I will say that the biggest shaft of the season goes to Seven Pounds. Will Smith was phenomenal, and I still get choked up every time I think about that movie.
It's SpringstEEn, baby! :P