Friday, May 09, 2008


Once upon a time Emily and a Craphead wrote a short film together called Game Night. Then in September Craphead, Lead Actor, DP and some other incredible people all got together to film this magical story about a dude who snorts coke and wields his gun around while everybody's just trying to play a game. And everything was good and Emily was happy.

And then AD didn't have time to edit the film so Emily looked for a new editor. And lots of nice people volunteered to help but most of them were out of town or didn't really understand the story. But Emily found a new Editor who did have time and resources and talent and lived nearby and said he could get it done soon and would definitely keep her posted. And Emily was happy.

And then Editor was so swamped at work that he didn't have time to edit anything so Emily offered him $100 to speed things up and Editor was very excited. And three months went by.

And Emily emailed Editor and said, Hey. Dude. Where's my movie?

And Editor swears he's working on it and that he now has time and will show her a rough cut soon. And it's May now and Cannes is about to come and go. Then Austin will come and go. And the LA Film Festival will come and go.

And Emily will still be here, waiting, sadly staring out the window hoping that one day her short film will return to her.


  1. I have to ask. Would it have been quicker to save up the money to buy the equipment needed, enroll into a short course to learn how to do it, and just edit it yourself?

    Which leads to another question. How hard is it to inquire at film schools, looking for students who would like something to practice on and earn a couple of bucks doing it?

  2. Two reasons. One - it was never supposed to take this long. Before I started filming I thought I had an editor.

    And two - I didn't want to go with an inexperienced editor, even if that editor was me.

    If I could go back in time I might have made a different choice, but alas, that is impossible.

  3. Congrats on making it that far. I have two scripts I'd like to direct... but neither have the friends or resources to do either (note to self: Get better friends). Even when film students have attempted to take them up, they've quit before they even got started. Or butchered them in preproduction...

    So don't feel bad. It looks like you will get the film done. The only question is when. And that is saying a lot. I know I couldn't do it.


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