I think I have tendonitis in my elbow. I guess that's what happens when you punch things too much. I work up yesterday with a cold and a headache followed me around all day until I got home and took some red ibuprofen. Then around lunchtime I stood up for no reason whatsoever a massive jolt of pain shot through my foot. I've been walking with a limp ever since. I think it's sprained. Can you sprain the side of your foot?
I think someone with some kind of science fictiony device has swapped health with me. I'm looking at you, Maggie. If you start breathing well and I suddenly develop asthma I know who to blame.
I need a cane. Where does one purchase a cane? I want one with flames on the end like Dr. House. Then I'll be all snide and catty and harass Robert Sean Leonard.
It's not stopping me from seeing Sweeny Todd tonight though. I don't care if my date has to carry me in on a stretcher, I'm going to that screening. So expect a review of that tomorrow.
I'll be taking Thursday off to go to the indie filmmaker rally at Paramount which is right up the street from me. I am, after all, an indie filmmaker even though I as yet have no film to show for it. I'm beginning to think my editor ran off into the sunset with the footage.
Anyway, if you're out there I'll be the girl who looks way too young to be using a cane.
Scott from http://alligatorsinahelicopter.blogspot.com/ blogged that he sprained his foot recently. Perhaps there is some connection there!!
ReplyDeleteIf it's any comfort (though it sure isn't to me), in the "How Did I Injure That?" medical file, I'll mention that I somehow broke a bone in my upper arm. How? I have no idea, especially since my only activity of late has been walking in circles and talking about how we'd rather be writing (and getting paid for it) with the other writers out on the WGA front lines...
ReplyDeleteI'll be at at Paramount for the Indie Filmmaker rally, see you there.
Perhaps not in time to be fashionable at the indie picket.
You could always go with a Joker cane.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your review of Sweeney Todd. I hope it's all it should be.
I remember all the tendonitis I got when I started practicing aikido. I still get some every now and then - you're just growing new muscles and this is their way of saying "HELLO!"
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm no expert (I just play one on TV), I'd be inclined to guess it's just a pinched nerve or something like that, or maybe a muscle strain rather than a sprain. I usually get sprains as a result of making some wonderfully inappropriate movement with the part of the body in question. Short of seeing a doctor, I'd suggest some heating pads.
Canes - most drugstores have them. Failing that, medical supply stores definitely have them. "M" had a good idea with fashionablecanes.com, too.
I look forward to your review, come hell or high water, of "Sweeney Todd". It looks great in the adverts, but then, don't most of them?
Poor Emily! Don't worry, you're so cool you'll probably start a new trend. Next thing you know, Paris Hilton will be walking around with a pink glittery cane with a carved chihuahua head on top.