Saturday, April 14, 2007

Actor drama part two

The saga continues...

So Writing Partner hasn't called Lead Actor yet. Lead Actor hasn't read the final version of the script yet even though he's had it for two weeks.

The following is a paraphrase of my phone, email and IM conversations this week between these two lovely men.

Lead Actor
: Why hasn't this guy called me? Why hasn't he looked at my reel yet? It's mighty unprofessional to wait this long. He's not allowed to complain if he can't get up the effort to call.

: Why hasn't this guy read the script yet? It's mighty unprofessional to wait this long. I'm not calling him until he's up to date on the changes.

Lead Actor
: I've been really busy but I'll read it this weekend. I don't know what this guy's problem is but you'd better not let me take any shit on set.

: How busy is he? He can't read 12 pages in two weeks? I don't know what this guy's problem is but you'd better not let me take any shit on set.

Me: If I can handle a classroom full of angsty teenagers I can handle you guys. I'm sure you'll get along on set. And if you don't, come to me. Do not throw any punches.

They have never even spoken to or seen each other. Ever.

My theory is that they're so in love with me that each guy is jealous of the other. Sadly, my heart belongs to Jensen Ackles so they'll have to learn to deal with disappointment.


  1. I smell threesome!

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    If I can't have you no man can! (loophole for hot bi chix w/video cameras...)

  3. But I thought you were mine!

    Curses, foiled again...

  4. Fellas, fellas, please.

    We can all settle this with a shirtless oily wrestling match. Now get to it.

    And somebody call Jensen Ackles.

  5. Hey, if I take my shirt off, you'll be permanently blinded by my "whiter than white" English torso. Can't have that! ;-)


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