A lot of people have been wondering where the hell my movie is. It's been a few months since we shot and I still don't have a rough cut.
It turns out, my editor hasn't touched a frame.
My editor is a lovely person who helped me a heap on the shoot and found me my DP so I owe her a lot, but I sure wish she had told me three months ago that she didn't have time to edit this. In her defense, the DP volunteered her and I didn't realize it but he never asked her if that was okay. And now she doesn't have time. And I'm going to miss a few of the festival deadlines I was hoping to make.
And I need a new editor. A few people have offered to edit this for me but I don't necessarily remember which people those were. I want someone who's a really strong editor, not somebody who puts together little bits on Youtube. This is supposed to be a festival quality short and everybody involved in the shoot was a real professional.
Also, I have no money.
So if any of you fine people edit or know anyone who edits well and wouldn't mind taking a job for the reel please contact me. It's a strong script and I got some really great performances with some nice stuff to choose from and a director who's open minded as hell but has no money.
I don't want to rush the edit, but I'd love to work with someone who had some speed on them too because deadlines are flying past with every day the footage sits uncut.
Also, I'm really polite. I'm a Southern girl so you'll never hear me yell at you. I'll just offer you lemonade.
And even though beggers can't be choosers I'm gonna want to see something you've done just because I blew all my money on this and I want to make sure we're on the same page.
It's about a 14 minute film and the composer is all lined up and twiddling his thumbs waiting for the cut.
So to sum up, I have no money and I need someone who's really talented and works quickly. But it's LA and there's a strike on, so that shouldn't be hard right?
Seriously, help.
I can edit words.
ReplyDeleteSadly, that probably doesn't help. :(
If you haven't found anyone yet let me know. I can send you my address and as soon as I get your footage I can put a rough cut together in a couple days.
ReplyDeleteI put it out to some editors I know. I'll let you know if anyone's available.
ReplyDeleteMake sure you get some reels and call some people who have worked with the editor -- you don't wanna waste more time with a bad editor screwing around with it...
Thanks, guys. Any help is appreciated. I'll thank you when I win some award somewhere.
ReplyDeleteIs this film, DV, or what?
ReplyDeleteI know a few folks-- I'll link them to this tale and leave it to their discretion.
It's all digital. In a couple of days I'll have all the footage on disks.
ReplyDeleteWell, as I just had my first foray into the editing process with John August's "The Nines" and I did a pretty good job, I would like to throw my hat in the ring.
ReplyDeleteI just picked up Vegas 8 and already have sound editing software, I'd love to give it a try.
Do you think you can host the footage online or would you have to send it?
I would almost pay you for the opportunity.
I appreciate the offer, especially the pay me thing, but my short cost me a grand to shoot and my goal is to submit it to festivals so I'm trying to find someone with more experience.
ReplyDeleteTry just shooting something quick yourself and using that to practice, like a video of your pet running around or a basketball game at Venice Beach or something. It's cheap, easy, and you can take your time with it.
Emily, until recently I used to make a living as a video editor. I haven't cut any shorts yet, but if you're still looking, I'd love to take a shot.