Went out last night to a karaoke bar with a bunch of guys I just met. I had an absolute blast. It reminded me of high school when I was the only girl in the group, kind of like everybody's sister. I sang "I'm Not Okay" by My Chemical Romance which is my very favorite song. I got a standing ovation from my table, largely because I screamed some of the lyrics at the top of my lungs.
I know it's not cool anymore to make resolutions. People say, oh resolutions are so lame.
Yeah, well, call me lame then. I think it's good to reassess your life once a year and figure out what to focus on.
So for 2008 I have a few plans.
On a screenwriting level:
1) Finish Not Dead Yet. It's taking too long and it's going to be a great example of my best talents when it's finished. My real goal is to make Brett the Zombie Hater read it and tell me how awesome it is and how wrong he is about zombies. Kind like Mikey with Life cereal.
2) Write Fear of Clowns. First I have to come up with an actual plot because all I have right now is a character, a title, and a theme. And three pages.
3) Research and write a script based on something I saw on Human Weapon once. It was a cool ass story so I hope nobody good gets to it first.
4) Get representation. I make this resolution every year, but this year I feel like I'm actually ready for it. This time last year I didn't have zombies watching my back.
5) If there's time I'd like to write a spec Pushing Daisies. TV's become my second priority now, but it's still there.
6) I'd like to shoot the second short in the Bamboo Killers series. It's called The Corner and it's about boxing. It pits Lead Actor against Trainer. Two hot dudes shirtless in a ring beating the crap out of each other. This is why I became a writer.
On a personal level:
1) I really want to work on my uppercuts. I can do lots of great kicks and hooks and double elbows and stuff but my uppercuts stink. I want to hit like Mike Tyson. Okay I probably won't ever hit like Mike Tyson because I'm a lot smaller and not quite as angry, but I'd like to get as close as possible to his level of power in those jaw smashing hits.
2) I know better than to think I'll get organized, but I would like to get my room to a point where I don't have to wade through a pile of dirty clothes on the floor to get to the closet. I'd also like to stop using kitchen space as a place to put all my mail. It's getting harder to find room to cook.
3) I need to get my credit rating back up. I'm taking on a job reading SAT essays and I'm taking a Spanish class starting next week that will not only help me understand my students' parents but will also be enough salary points to bump my pay up another notch. Then I can finally pay bills on time each month without having to juggle.
So that's my plan. Next year I'll have to remember to take a look at this list and see how I did. It would be cool to check off everything on the list, and I think it's doable.
What's your plan?
Would have like to hear you sing, Emily, though I'm not familiar with "My Chemical Romance's" work. Based on their name, they sound like a bunch of druggies.
ReplyDeleteYour goal of getting Brett to read your script SHOULD be achievable. The ONE thing you should really focus on when writing about zombies is how the world you establish is differnent and BETTER than previous works. Realize that when someone reads your work, the natural comparision is how does your work stack up against "Night of the Living Dead," "28 Days Later," and maybe throw in "I Am Legend" into the mix too. That is the most critical question YOU need to be able to answer before Brett or any other pro reads your work.
Anyway, I hope you achieve all your goals, especially the one about having adequate room to cook, how else are you going to be ready for your date with Jensen Ackles (the hot actor)?
In 2008 I HOPE to write 3 new spec scripts. Currently I'm doing research, making character rosters, index carding out potential scenes, and documenting my thoughts on 2 new specs. Still don't have enough critical mass to starting an outline, BUT should in a couple weeks or so...
But most of my 2008 goals are day-to-day goals: write an hour everyday (thank you very much Scott Mullen), work out a half hour everyday, pray to the Lord on my knees everyday before I go to bed, and read at least one chapter of scripture before I go to bed.
- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA
My real goal is to make Brett the Zombie Hater read it and tell me how awesome it is and how wrong he is about zombies.
I have near-legendary powers of inertia. Good luck with that.
If it wasn't for the druggies, rock music would suck. Seriously. Look at all the great bands of the last forty years. Now take away all the bands that we know have had drug users in them. What are you left with? Um...well...um...I'll stick with listening to the druggies.
ReplyDeleteWell you've already demonstrated that you won't read a zombie script voluntarily. Without the use of force how else am I supposed to get you to do it?
ReplyDeleteWishing you all the success in the world, Emily.
ReplyDeleteCash money. American.
ReplyDeleteMore is better.
2) Write Fear of Clowns. First I have to come up with an actual plot because all I have right now is a character, a title, and a theme. And three pages.
ReplyDeleteMy goal came tonight, despite all the ideas I currently have for plays that should be ahead of this one.
At my sister's friend's house tonight, with my parents there, and that friend's parents and grandmother, I sat in a deep armchair and just watched each conversation between my sister and her friend, my mother and that friend's father, my dad and the grandmother.
And I realized, listening to snatches of each conversation, that I loved being in that chair. I loved that perspective. No one was paying attention to me, I wasn't involved in any of the conversations; I was just an observer.
I want to write a play like that, with seven people gathered around. I don't know what those people will be discussing (I have one idea, but want to research it first to see how it would work), but I know I want to be in that chair again, just watching, just listening.
My plan for 2008 will go up later on my own blog...well...that's one thing to do for today anyway.
ReplyDeleteRecognize procrastination in that statement? Yeah, I'll be putting eliminating putting off stuff on my list.
Of course.
Putting it on the list is one thing.
And therein is the goal for 2008.
Okay, I have a solution to your mail problem.
ReplyDeleteGo to Pier One (or any other random place -- Michaels will work). Buy a basket. One of those you'd get fruit in maybe. Don't get too large, something that would hold, say, six grapefruits. That's an approximation.
Okay, so now find a place for your basket, maybe near your front door, on a table...again, your choice.
Now, everytime you come home with the mail, read what you like, throw away stuff if you need to, put the rest in the basket.
At the end of the week, you can use the basket to go through all your mail, tossing what you don't need, etc.
We started doing this at my house last year and it helped cut down on our mail clutter considerably.
Just make sure you take the bills out before they're due. ;)
That does sound like a good idea.
ReplyDeleteBig goals for 2008:
ReplyDelete1) Finish building house and move in. We're already several months behind sched.
2) Write 2 solid, commercial scripts. I'm about half way there.
HNY & good luck with everything, Emily.
I did it! I did it!
ReplyDeleteThanks to your shining example, I actually wrote my resolutions and posted them.
Now I if can only carry out one or two 2008 will be a great year.