Last night I made three batches of black bean spirals to take to the picket line today. Most of them are back in my refrigerator because there was so much food that nobody wanted my damn appetizers even though mine were home made and the cookies and muffins were store-bought. But whatever.
I live within walking distance of Paramount but I know a bunch of people who work at Warner so my theory was that I'd go up there and not be totally alone as I marched. But one friend didn't answer her phone last night or today, another friend was off the lot on a shoot at the ranch, another friend couldn't get time away from her office to come out, and Maggie was only able to picket during her lunch at 12:30.
I did get to see Maggie for a bit - always an improvement on whatever situation you're in - but in the end I probably should have walked to Paramount and saved on gas and time. Next time I will.
At least I didn't get a ticket. I was a bit concerned since I parked near although not in front of a hydrant with no red zone paint, have no front license plate and my car sat there for three hours in a two-hour zone. But no ticket. I believe I have upped my karma points on the picket line.
I did meet a few nice people there in my red UTLA shirt. David Madsen, a feature writer and novelist who listed many a film he wrote that has been bought and stuck on shelves all over town. He was particularly nice and hopefully one day I'll cross his path again and he'll remember me as the little teacher who marched back and forth with him across the street.
The staff of Gossip Girl was there (in the middle of the top picture). You knew who they were because they were the loudest, prettiest little writer cheerleaders on the line. They kept trying to get chants going, but I think most people just wanted to talk while we walked around.
Then there was this kid beating on a drum:

He makes me feel inadequate.
Patton Oswalt was there being very loud and ringleadery. He's following me around, I swear. He was at a completely random party Lead Actor held once. When I asked Lead Actor about it he had no idea who Patton Oswalt was or how he knew about the party. And there he was today, walking with Charlie Hayes and some surly old guy from Hill Street Blues.
Also, the honking. The glorious honking. I honked before a bit as I passed Paramount, but now I will honk with wild abandon. The honking gave us something to do in the form of waving and cheering, but it also made us feel useful and supported. And at Gate 2 it was nuts. Teamsters, Priuses, random people in random cars all honking and waving. One old lady pulled over and handed us cookies and lollipops. The Vitamin Water guys came by with a speaker and shouted encouragement as they handed out their product.
Good times were had by all. Even though it was hot and boring and far from my house, I'm glad I went. I didn't hand out any of the ten business cards I made, but who gives a crap. I felt like I was part of the team anyway.
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